It's summer time and with that kind of freedom comes my never ending battle with laziness. Really, all I want to do sit on my back porch with the over-head fan on, hold my dog, sip some sweet tea, and read a book. That's ALL I want to do.
But, alas, my neglected house, piling projects, endless errands are calling my name and they will not be ignored. If you've ready my post The Power of a Post-It, you know how serious of a list person I am. Well, my list is quite long, but I'm proud to announce that it is getting shorter.
Things of which I am very proud that I've accomplished over the past few weeks while fighting my urge to veg:
- filed my state taxes
- jump started my car (first time by myself - thank you, YouTube), and took it to the auto store to get a new battery
- push mowed my lawn AGAIN (our riding mower is on the fritz)
- removed my riding lawn mower batter (first time by myself - found out I didn't have to but still proud of myself)
- loose-leash trained my dog (well, he's almost there)
- baked 50 cookies for our church camp (and I am NOT a baker)
- finally got an estimate done on our banged up car
- finished a decorating project that is long overdue (surprise - I'll post about it soon - that's still on my list)
- started P90X (fourth time through - excited to be doing it again)
- organized my sheet music (it was such a mess - I'll post about my new music shelf soon)
- learned two new piano pieces for church (I'm ahead of the game!)
- organized our office and all the millions of papers, manuals, pictures, and other misc items that are held within
- Took my dog to the vet (first time - I was nervous)
- Got my NC drivers license
Those are the major things. This post was all about boring you with details. Hope you enjoyed! Well, I hope you were at least inspired to make a list of your own and start checking them off.

nah...i like sipping tea in my chair!! hahahaha! jk...thats awesome that you set goals and accomplished them! It feels so good to cross of that last major "to-do" on your list. You go girl! :) PS. when its hot like 103 and your mower is still not working...holla...the boys will be right over!!
ReplyDeletelove ya