Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man."
Now who wouldn't love a movie with those kinds of song lyrics? My first introduction to Fiddler on the Roof was through my performance of "Sunrise Sunset" at a piano festival when I was a little girl. I didn't really understand the movie's meaning and I just couldn't see why Tevye was so against his daughters marrying the men they loved. As a grade schooler, all I knew was that the music was fun, made me laugh, and kept me humming its tunes over and over again. Since then, I've come to love the melancholy beauty of "Sunrise Sunset" and the comical wit "If I Were a Rich Man."

My husband laughs at me because I'm constantly pointing out sections of a soundtrack that I had never noticed the other umpteenth times I had listened to it. "Oooo, oooo, did you hear the oboe?" "Wow, the percussion is amazing!" "Okay," he says, "you're really listening carefully, aren't you." Yes! Maybe it's the musician in me, but I'm amazed at how music latches on to my emotions through its own telling of a story. (Think "Baby Mine" from Dumbo ~ Tears!)
This post wasn't supposed to be about music per say, but I guess it's necessary in order for me to explain WHY I love the movies that I do.
Okay, so down to the real reason for this post: Fiddler on the Roof. If you have never seen it, get the car warmed up because after this, you'll want to be making your way over to Blockbuster.
Song Favorite #1: "If I Were a Rich Man"
Song Favorite #2: "Sunrise Sunset"
I walked down the aisle at my wedding to this song being sung by my brother.
It was in honor of my Dad.
Song Favorite #3: "The Bottle Dance"
Too much fun for words! Listen to that clarinet solo...beautiful!!
And my absolute favorite within my favorite: the knee slides : )
Song Favorite #4: "Tradition"
My dad used to sing this song to us as children. It makes me smile and laugh and sing along.
Song Favorite #5: "Matchmaker"
Song Favorite #6: "Do You Love Me?"
Song Favorite #7: "Far from the Home I Love"
I can't help but tear up every time I hear this sung. I wish I had a visual as well as audio.
Now you've got to watch it.
Linking over to TCM for their Classic Movie Musicals and Songs Favorites list. Hope you enjoy!
Linking over to TCM for their Classic Movie Musicals and Songs Favorites list. Hope you enjoy!