
Friday, June 29, 2012

The Spirit of the {4th}

Doesn't July 4th just feel like summer?  Sweet tea, hotdogs, fireworks, John P. them all! Living in a country where we have freedom and knowing that many sacrificed all for me to enjoy it is something that I don't take lightly.  I thank God for the good ol' USA!!

Here are a few ideas I found to help boost that spirit of The 4th.

Amidst all the fanfare and celebration, don't forget to be thankful for living in the best country in all the world! 


  1. I am IN LOVE with that Stylepop dress! Funny, mid June my husband and I redid our porch AND living room with the rustic red, white, and blue (like with your BHG monogram picture). I thought it would go good for the 4th, but he wanted to keep it for keeps. At the Naval museum, I found a poster in the gift shop, a knock off of the original 'selling military bonds' advertisement under the famous Star Spangled Banner picture, aged, rustic, perfect! It sits here now in our living room dedicated to the rustic, vintaged, but ageless theme of One Nation Under God, sprinkled with rustic accents of the cross as well. Surprisingly...most of the ideas were his! Looks like I need to be on your blogs more often! :)

  2. Hi dear! You have a lovely blog! Would you like to follow each other?
    Have a great day! xoxo
