
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Project {Challenge}

 The story of how this flower box came into existence.

While driving in our car on the way home:

Me: Babe, I really want to learn how to use our power tools.
Hubz: Why?
Me: Because there are some projects that I would like to get done.
Hubz: I could do them.
Me: No offense, but you won't.
Hubz: ~
Me: I mean, you don't have time...You work so much.... (digging a deeper hole than I can get out of)

My darling Other Half then pulls into Lowe's and buys all of the materials we need for a certain project that I had been talking about for some time now.  I think this was all just to prove me wrong.  He CAN and he WILL do this project.  I love my man!

So I learned how to use our power tools that night.

He bought me a cute little apron.

No chopped off fingers. Score!

Henry looks on sporting his Russian boots (AKA: wet feet)

A little sanding.

Some gorgeous stain that he chose himself.



  1. LOVE the color!! Did Matt put the decorative finishings on it or did you? Curious if you bought them and attached them or actually sanded them that way.


    1. It was Matthew's idea to add the trim, but I picked it out. We two 1"x6"x8's for the main box; two 8' trim pieces for around the edges; and one 8' lattice piece for between the trim. It was actually quite simple. You just have to understand how to cut the pieces correctly.

  2. Love your project, and your cute real-life conversation! And your apron :-)

  3. Beautiful work!!! take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  4. Was it inexpensive? Trying to price some projects.

  5. The total cost was around $100. This included EVERYTHING. So if you have some stain left over from another project then that will cut down the cost. Sorry it took me so long to reply!
