
Monday, February 24, 2014

It's 11:20 pm and…..

I should be asleep.  Those luxuries that usually turn me into a serious narcoleptic - fluffy pillows, warm blankets, a whirling ceiling fan, and a snoring puppy - just don't seem to be cutting it for me tonight. Popping up my computer screen seemed the least logical thing to do, so that's what I did.

I was just thinking, because as you know, when you WANT to go to sleep, that's when your greatest and most organized, inventive, and productive thoughts begin to surface, that I should put an herb garden behind my kitchen sink.  For tonight, this sounds epic. We have a corner sink with a triangular shaped space behind it that may just be the most awkward spot in my whole house.  Last year's back porch herb garden was a success until the major summer heat did some damage.  Bringing the garden indoors sounds like a great solution.  I pretty much just planned the entire design out in my mind over the last ten minutes.  Come morning, I may be wondering what in the world I was thinking, but for tonight my sleep-deprived brain says, "Awesome!"

So plans to follow.  I'll keep you updated. I am WILLING spring to get here with all of my might. You know that smell in the air when the sun's warmth has touched everything around you and the breeze picks it up and drops it off right at your front door step? Yes. You're ready, too, huh!

Maybe something like….

We shall see.  This Tea Tin Herb Garden is charming.

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