
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In Memory of a Beautiful Woman

It would be hard to put into words just what kind of a woman my Grandma was.  If you've ever known anyone who brightened a room just by simply entering it, you may begin to know the woman my Grandma was.  A godly woman who loved the Lord, cared for her family, honored her husband, gave to her friends, was gracious and kind in all things -- that was my Grandma.

She has left behind her a legacy that will never be undone.  She taught me what it meant to be a virtuous woman.  She loved the Lord with all her heart. Even when dementia began to show its clear signs, she still spoke of serving her Savior and making Him proud.  When it began to take her an hour to read one page of her Bible, still she read it daily.

She was a meek and quite lady but in so many ways was strong and fearless.  I never remember my Grandma uttering a complaining word.  She had a stubborn streak in her, but never for one moment did you feel that she was ungrateful. 

She was a beautiful woman. My heart rejoices to think of her now in Heaven, whole and healthy, singing with the angels.  Goodbye, Grandma.  I love you and will see you again someday. 

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