
Friday, July 29, 2011

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

I seem to be making way too many excuses about why I haven't been posting regularly.  But they are legitimate, I promise.  This summer has been crazy with my dad visiting, traveling to Ohio for two weeks, my husband coming home, going on a two week vacation with him, and his family visiting for a week.  Through all of that, I had hardly a moment to check my email, let alone blog.  And I haven't quite gotten ahead in my posts yet like some of these awesome bloggers I'm following.  I take my posts one day at a time.  I guess that's my problem. Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I'm DONE vacationing and having family visit, at least for awhile, so I'll be back on schedule very soon.

Thanks for not giving up on my and my little bloggy-blog.  Love you all!!

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