
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tissue Paper {Chandelier}

So back to the party decorations...
I wanted to incorporate some tissue paper flowers, but wasn't sure how.  I am not a fan of using decorations in a conventional way.  If I'm going to hang something from the ceiling, I'm not going to just hang it.  I wanted a sort of chandelier hanging above the island where the cake would be. {Learn more about the cutsie cake here}  My husband didn't want 9 holes put into our ceiling, so check out the contraption he thought up.  We hung them from our recessed lighting.

 I know what you are thinking..."those strings are hideous!!"  My thoughts exactly until they were all up and you didn't even notice them.  The angle of the camera kind of focuses on them, but from ground level, you are just looking at the pretty tissue chandelier. 

So here's the how to...

You'll need:
     *Tissue papar - I used 6 sheets {3 in each color} and cut them in half
     *Twist ties

Lay out your half pieces of tissue paper {you can use whole pieces for bigger flowers} in alternating colors.

Fold the tissue paper back and forth as if you were making a fan.  Round out the edges with the scissors.

Put a bend in the center of your "fan" and pinch the center together.

Twist your tie around the center. WARNING: If you're hanging these lovelies, attach the string NOW.  I learned the hard way and had to untie the twist ties after the balls were already "puffed". 

Fan out the edges.  Make sure you pull GENTLY! 

Hardest part...but fun.  This is where you start seeing the final picture.  Remember, easy does it. Begin with the outer layers first, separating them as far down as you can. 

Final product.  Lovely!!

Linking back to: Home Body Holly
                           The Shabby Nest


  1. My dear Rose loves this idea and wants to do it for her room.

  2. Those are pretty and fun! This would work for all kinds of parties!

  3. That's so pretty! Love the chandelier effect!
    Thanks for linking to my party...please add my link, k?

  4. So pretty! What a fun way to decorate for a party! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sorry, Jane...I didn't even notice my button on your sidebar {blush}. But thanks for adding my link :)
