
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In the World of: {Fiddler} on the Roof

"If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man."

Now who wouldn't love a movie with those kinds of song lyrics? My first introduction to Fiddler on the Roof was through my performance of "Sunrise Sunset" at a piano festival when I was a little girl.  I didn't really understand the movie's meaning and I just couldn't see why Tevye was so against his daughters marrying the men they loved.  As a grade schooler, all I knew was that the music was fun, made me laugh, and kept me humming its tunes over and over again. Since then, I've come to love the melancholy beauty of "Sunrise Sunset" and the comical wit "If I Were a Rich Man."

A movie's story is told by more than just a series of scenes and actors; it is told by a score...a musical score.  Music isn't wallpaper (as my college professor so eloquently put it). Music should be payed attention to.  If a movie has a star-studded cast or mind-blowing computer graphics but not an ounce of inspirational music, it will probably find its way to the bottom of my favorites list.  

My husband laughs at me because I'm constantly pointing out sections of a soundtrack that I had never noticed the other umpteenth times I had listened to it.  "Oooo, oooo, did you hear the oboe?" "Wow, the percussion is amazing!" "Okay," he says, "you're really listening carefully, aren't you." Yes! Maybe it's the musician in me, but I'm amazed at how music latches on to my emotions through its own telling of a story. (Think "Baby Mine" from Dumbo ~ Tears!)

This post wasn't supposed to be about music per say, but I guess it's necessary in order for me to explain WHY I love the movies that I do.

Okay, so down to the real reason for this post: Fiddler on the Roof.  If you have never seen it, get the car warmed up because after this, you'll want to be making your way over to Blockbuster.

Song Favorite #1: "If I Were a Rich Man"

Song Favorite #2: "Sunrise Sunset"
I walked down the aisle at my wedding to this song being sung by my brother.  
It was in honor of my Dad.

Song Favorite #3: "The Bottle Dance"
Too much fun for words! Listen to that clarinet solo...beautiful!!
And my absolute favorite within my favorite: the knee slides : )

Song Favorite #4: "Tradition"

My dad used to sing this song to us as children.  It makes me smile and laugh and sing along.

Song Favorite #5: "Matchmaker"

Song Favorite #6: "Do You Love Me?"


Song Favorite #7: "Far from the Home I Love"
I can't help but tear up every time I hear this sung.  I wish I had a visual as well as audio.  

Now you've got to watch it.

Linking over to TCM for their Classic Movie Musicals and Songs Favorites list.  Hope you enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

{Perty} Garland!

Don't these dainty daisies just whisper spring right in your ear?! And guess where I bought them? Okay, I'll tell you....The Dollar Tree.  Yes, every time I visit the Dollar Tree, I just can't imagine them having something that I didn't see the last time I was there.  I stand corrected.  Eek! I looove spring!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In The Kitchen: California Chicken Wraps

When it comes to making dinner, I prefer recipes that require few ingredients, little time and preparation, and come out tasting spectacular! And it doesn't hurt if it happens to be healthy at the same time. I stumbled across one of these recipes and made it last night.  You must try it!

Picture by Taste of Home 
Recipe by Donny Munch


  • 1/3 cup prepared hummus
  • whole wheat tortillas (8 inches)
  • 2 cups cubed cooked chicken breast
  • 1/4 cup chopped roasted sweet red peppers
  • 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh basil leaves


  • Spread hummus on tortillas; top with chicken, peppers, cheese and basil. Roll up. Yield: 4 servings.

Nutrition Facts: 1 wrap equals 300 calories, 8 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 58 mg cholesterol, 408 mg sodium, 26 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 27 g protein. Diabetic Exchanges: 3 lean meat, 2 starch.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Wonderful Thing To Know {Devos}

"For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name." Luke 1:49

Every time I sit down to read my Bible, I ask the Lord to reveal something to me that I can take with me throughout my day.  Did He ever answer that prayer this morning! 

It is human nature to focus on those things that are negative in our lives.  Dwelling on small things like early mornings and grocery shopping {I don't enjoy either} can really put us in a bad mood. As Christians and particularly women, we know how our thoughts are the driving force behind our words and actions.  Negative thoughts = negative words and actions.  So these negative thoughts have NO rightful place in our minds...or do they. 

This verse above was spoken by Mary the mother of Jesus. At this point in time, she has just found out that she is with child.  She is visiting her cousin Elisabeth who also has experienced a miracle in that the Lord has allowed her to conceive in her old age.  The women begin to rejoice together over what the Lord has done for them.   

Let's look at Mary's situation for a moment.  She has found out she is with child, yet she has never known a man.  Imagine yourself in this position.  What do YOU suppose others would think about this? Is this a negative in her life?  She could look at it in that way.  But in such a greater way, it is a positive.  

As an example, I'm going to address my "negatives" in this light for.  Waking up early in the morning.  I DO NOT enjoy this.  I'm not a morning person and never have been.  If I wake up and all I can do is dwell on the fact that it's early and I'm tired, that's going to affect my attitude and my day.  So I'll just forget about the fact that I'm up early, right? Wrong! Instead, let me think about the fact that I was ABLE to get out of bed this morning, that I have warm water for a shower, that the birds are waking up and singing a song, that I woke up with my husband beside me, that I have the ability to move, that I have a roof over my head..... I could go on with an endless list of POSITIVES.  

Don't just push your negatives out the window.  Dwell on them but in a positive light.  Mary said that "he hath done to me great things;"   One of those great things was at the same time a negative.  Only God could pull that one off! Holy is his name!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dollar Tree {Easter} Trees

I looooove the Dollar Tree!  I walk in there and go crazy.  I really do.  I have to restrain myself. I think, "Wow, only a dollar!" and then I walk out with 40 items.  : \
So here's a project that only cost me $4.00 with supplies to spare for the next project : )
Easter trees (they come in several different colors)....already fun...

then add ribbon...also purchased at the Dollar Tree. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Better Homes and Gardens magazine deal!

For those of you who are Southern Savers fans, you already know about this awesome deal.  For those of you who aren't, you've got to check it out!

Southern Savers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Want To {Belt} Something!

I don't own a belt.  I want to.  I want to belt something. Here are some outfits that have started me thinking... and shopping!

outfit by Burberry

Goodness me, Lovely!
outfit byBurberry

outfit by J Crew

outfit by Banana Republic

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tissue Paper {Chandelier}

So back to the party decorations...
I wanted to incorporate some tissue paper flowers, but wasn't sure how.  I am not a fan of using decorations in a conventional way.  If I'm going to hang something from the ceiling, I'm not going to just hang it.  I wanted a sort of chandelier hanging above the island where the cake would be. {Learn more about the cutsie cake here}  My husband didn't want 9 holes put into our ceiling, so check out the contraption he thought up.  We hung them from our recessed lighting.

 I know what you are thinking..."those strings are hideous!!"  My thoughts exactly until they were all up and you didn't even notice them.  The angle of the camera kind of focuses on them, but from ground level, you are just looking at the pretty tissue chandelier. 

So here's the how to...

You'll need:
     *Tissue papar - I used 6 sheets {3 in each color} and cut them in half
     *Twist ties

Lay out your half pieces of tissue paper {you can use whole pieces for bigger flowers} in alternating colors.

Fold the tissue paper back and forth as if you were making a fan.  Round out the edges with the scissors.

Put a bend in the center of your "fan" and pinch the center together.

Twist your tie around the center. WARNING: If you're hanging these lovelies, attach the string NOW.  I learned the hard way and had to untie the twist ties after the balls were already "puffed". 

Fan out the edges.  Make sure you pull GENTLY! 

Hardest part...but fun.  This is where you start seeing the final picture.  Remember, easy does it. Begin with the outer layers first, separating them as far down as you can. 

Final product.  Lovely!!

Linking back to: Home Body Holly
                           The Shabby Nest

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sticker {Beauty}

Dollar Tree is my best friends sometimes.  I've seen their wall stickers before but never took the plunge and put one up in my home...until I saw this one.  And I knew just where to put it.  Because we haven't put up backsplash in our kitchen yet, our walls look a little blah.  This ended up being a beautiful way to add some character. And love the price: $1.00!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let Me Introduce You: {Audrey} Hepburn

If you know me, you know I love Audrey.   She had an unmistakably unique, personal style that became iconic the moment she hit the silver screen.  Her role in Breakfast at Tiffany's introduced to the fashion world the LBD, an item that graces the hangers of most every woman's closet today.

Her style is all that is simple... 











and flirty....but not in a trying-too-hard sort of way. 
Take notes, ladies.  We need a little bit more of that these days!