
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness: Let Me Show You How Much I Love You

It's easy for me to tell my husband that I love him but often it's difficult to think of unique ways to SHOW him I love him.  I found that it's sometimes in the random acts of kindness that love is best shown.  Here are a few ideas I like if you're running low:

  • Dress up for dinner at home just as if you were going out to a fancy restaurant.
  • While your love is in the shower, toss his towel in the dryer for a couple minutes so it's toasty warm when he uses it.
  • Hide a note in the pocket of one of your love's jackets or sweaters.  The element of surprise is so much fun with this one because he might wear that item tomorrow or in two weeks. You never know when he'll find it.
  • Use your computer's sticky note function to write a sweet note on your love's desktop. It will stay forever and not get in the way. My husband and I actually write notes back and forth this way.  He has three notes on his desktop right now : )
  • Next time you're at the grocery store, pick up a snack that you know your love especially likes but doesn't get very often. 
  • Give your love a massage.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  My husband loves for me to just run my fingers through his hair.  And hey, I can do that and still read a book with the other hand!! : )
  • My husband LOOOOOOVES his Tossimo coffee. I know that if I make him a cup when he's not expecting it, it's speaks just as loudly as me saying "I Love You!"
  • Flatter, flatter, flatter even about the little things.  "I love the way you hold your pen." "I love it when you help me _____." "I love how great you look in that shirt." 
  • Text your love in the middle of the work day for no reason but to tell him you love him.
  • Reminisce about good times you've had together or something that your love has done for you. Talking about those precious memories will make you both feel closer to each other. 
  • When your love is talking to you, look him in the eyes.  Eye contact says, "I'm listening, and I'm interested."
  • Never pass each other in the house without an "I Love You" or a touch. 
  • Always want to be near your love.  Even if that means taking your laptop or whatever you're working on and moving to the he is in.                                                                                            
These are just a few ideas.  There are endless amounts of ways to show love to your spouse so keep being creative.  It's worth a little time and thought to show someone you love them.

1 comment:

  1. Some of these I have never thought of like the towel... such an awesome idea. I will use that!
