
Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Bits of Love All over the Place

Over the last five years, I've slowly collected a few Valentine decoration.  I don't go crazy like I do for Christmas, but I've picked up some cutsie items here and there.  I like to call them little bits of love.


  1. ooooo...did you make a book of our vintage love shoot?? Would love to see what it looks like!! I rarely get to see all the goodies put together from my shoots!! LOVE IT!

  2. Sure did! Got a great deal on it, too. I'll take some pics for you. So Matthew gave me the go ahead for redecorating our bedroom. I'll finally be able to put some of our pictures up on the walls as canvases. : )

  3. oooooo can't wait to see the finished product!!
