
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jonathan Adler: The Design Minimalist

While staying in our hotel on our anniversary getaway, my husband and I came across an artist whose work I had not seen before.  I first spotted this owl in a window display of the hotel's gift shop and drooled over it for a good hour or so while we made trips back and forth between our room, the restaurant, and the shop trying to decide if we wanted to take the little guy home with us or not. Jonathan Adler, an artist and designer, is this adorable owl's creator. His designs are minimalistic yet have so much personality, you almost don't know what to think of them at first!

What I love most about his pottery is its perfectly smooth finish and minimal details - simple lines, clean shapes, clear patterns.  My owl makes me feel like a kid and an adult all at the same time, and I need that sometimes.  But Jonathan's designs don't stop at pottery.  Visit his site and check out all of his amazing creations ~

Tamarind Vase/Belly Vase
       Owl Sculpture 

Seahorse Sculpture 


Snail Box

Pinched Vase

Large Anemone Bowl

Banana Bud Vase

Pop Menagerie Piggy Bank


Capuchine Small Gourd
Capuchine Water Tower 
(Couldn't you just eat this! It looks like a dessert.)

Peacock Lollipop Holder
(Yum and fun all in one)

Lantern Bird House

Turtle Box


Salvador Vase

Shoe Butter Dish


  1. I like the peacock lollipop holder... very unique!

  2. Wow, that's pretty cool. I love the way you paint you're words! :)
