
Friday, January 21, 2011

Trash to Treasure

In one of last summer's posts, I mentioned that I had picked up a coffee table chest from a thrift store.  It was in pretty bad shape and was my summer project.  I had said I would post pictures when I was finished, and I am just now getting around to it! It found it's home in our upstairs bonus room.  I love the way it looks against our hardwood floors.  It turned out a little differently than I had imagined, but I love it.  The best part about the chest is its storage.  The back of the lid lifts up where we've tucked away extra blankets for guests and the front drawers are great for just about anything.  Total cost: $40  Only negative - I lost my "before" pictures that were on my phone.  BooHoo!  So this is just an "after" look.

Since we've only been living in our home for not even a year yet, we haven't quite made it all the way up to our bonus room yet to decorate.  So this guy will be one of the focal points once we do get there.  Right now, he's a tv stand....sorry guy!

These were the details I noticed and loved at the thrift store.