
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beautiful weekend in Savannah!

As I'm typing this post, I'm sipping on a mocha frappe in savannah, GA enjoying gorgeous 72 degree weather with my husband. What a weekend! We love our last minute, out of town, mini vacations. They aren't as frequent as they used to be which makes them all the more exciting.
Yesterday was spent walking down the waterfront and popping in and out of quaint gift shops and candy stores. One of our favorites was the Savannah's Candy Ktchen. It seemed vaguely familiar as we perused its goodies. When we purchased our pralines and chocolate dipped smores (yum), we realized by the markings on the box that there is also a Candy Kitchen in Charleston (one of our most frequented vacation spots). Both of their shops are almost identical. They are the old fashioned kind of shops with big barrels of candy and tubs homemade ice cream. You can watch the chocolate treats and taffy being made right before your eyes!
We ended our afternoon with lunch at a hole-in-the-wall, seaside grill with an ocean view. I had to order the quintessential fish and chips while Matthew went for the buffalo wings.
Today is our last day in town and our last chance to experience Savannah's southern charm. So we're sitting on a bench in Forsyth Park in front of a beautiful fountain, watching all the people walk by, and soaking up the sun's rays. A perfect ending to a relaxing weekend. In a few minutes we'll hop in the car and hit the road for home. But for now I'll just enjoy these last few moments of perfection with my Darling.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! We used to go there a lot when Patrick's parents lived there! We miss it! I love the River walk!
