
Friday, June 25, 2010

Thrifted Treasures (Part Two)

Stop #2 on my last minute thrift store outing was Morris Thrift Shop.  It was rather small and dusty and seemed to be crammed full of...well...junk.  But don't judge a thrift store by your first impression.  I dug a little deeper and found two Laura Ingalls Wilder books to add to my book collection.  My mother-in-law bought me my first Laura Ingallls Wilder book and I've been searching for the rest to complete the set.  The paper-back was $.25 and the hard-back was $.75.

I rummaged some more and found a 1965 Webster's Dictionary for....drum roll please....$.75!!!  I'm teaching English at our Christian School this year and dictionaries are NOT cheep.  Needless to say, I was more than a little excited to find this hidden treasure. 

And lastly, I found these two antique tin treys.  I thought the colors were so fresh and fun.  Not sure where I'm going to use them yet, but I'm thinking of using them in my craft room to hold odds and ends.  We'll see.

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